October in Fukuoka is full of events!!

October in Fukuoka is full of events!!!
Now that the weather is cooler, it is not so easy to decide where to go.
Here are some of our staff’s favorite events in Fukuoka in October!✨
① FaN Week 2023(Saturday, September 16 ~Sunday, October 22, 2023)
FaN Weekis an art eventheld as part of Fukuoka Art Next, a project promoted by Fukuoka City.
You can experience art in many places in Fukuoka Cit
We hope you will enjoy “Fukuoka City Growing with Art”.
Date: September 16 (Sat) – October 22 (Sun), 2023
Location:Various locations in Fukuoka City
For more information:http://fukuoka-art-next.jp/fanweek2023/
② Fukuoka OktoberFest2023 (10 days from Friday, October 20, 2023 to Sunday, October 29, 2023)
This year’s Oktoberfest, recognized by the home of Oktoberfest, includes Bavarian beers such as Paulaner
16 brands of draft beer, beer cocktails and wine, and a diverse food menu including German home-style dishes,
The 10 days will be filled with traditional music performances by the Alpin Schlabiner Orchestra, which will participate from the home of the festival.
Date & Time: 10 days from Friday, October 20, 2023 to Sunday, October 29, 2023
Location:Reisen Park Special Site
For more information→http://f-oktober.com/
*1 minute walk from WeBase HAKATA!
③ &SAKE FUKUOKA 2023(Saturday, September 30 – Sunday, October 1, 2023)
Saturday, September 30, 2023 – Sunday, October 1, 2023,
「&SAKE FUKUOKA 2023」 will be held at Fukuoka International Center.
Organized by Fukuoka Prefecture & Fukuoka Sake Brewers Association & Fukuoka restaurants, attracting 15,000 visitors over 2 days
Kyushu’s largest sake and food event is finally here.
Date: Saturday, September 30 – Sunday, October 1, 2023
Location:Fukuoka International Center
For more information→https://andsake-fukuoka.com/
These are Fukuoka’s recommended events for October!