The Chinese New Year😊もうすぐ旧正月ですね。

The Chinese New Year is around the corner!
We also started New Year decoration at the lounge.
The Nagasaki Lantern Festival this year is from 24 January to 9 February.
About 15,000 colorful lanterns and large objects will be displayed in Nagasaki city.
The view is fantastic. If you have time, please visit.

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もうすぐ旧正月ですね。WeBase 博多の9Fラウンジも旧正月モードです

馬上就是春節了呢!今年的長崎燈會從1月24號到2月8號舉行。舉辦期間, 長崎市區會掛滿許多彩色的提燈還有各式各樣的造型燈景喔! 非常漂亮大家有機會一定要去看看呢!
