Loved by Guests 2020 Award!!

WeBase HAKATA has won the Loved by Guests 2020 Award!!
The Loved by Guests Award is an award for hotels with highly scored reviews.
This award is proof that WeBase HAKATA has been highly regarded by many guests who have actually stayed here with us.
Thank you all for your great support!
We hope to see you again soon!
この度WeBase博多はLoved by Guests 2020 Award を受賞しました!!
Loved by Guests Award (お客様が選ぶ人気宿アワード) は、お客様からの評価の高い宿泊施設に授与されます。今回の受賞は、実際に宿泊された多くのお客様からWeBase博多が高く評価されていることの証明です。