Access The choice of a central location in Takamatsu

6 minutes by car from JR Takamatsu Station.
6 minutes on foot from Kotoden Kawaramachi Station.
1-minute walk to convenience stores, shopping districts.

  • 6 minutes by taxi from JR Takamatsu Station
  • 40 minutes by limousine bus from Takamatsu Airport
  • 1 minute to convenience store/downtown

You can access directly from the main train station and airport to WeBase TAKAMATSU

Google Map

Click to confirm the estimated distance and time to your destination

Kagawa-ken Takamatsu-shi Kawaramachi-cho 1-2-3
6 minutes from Kotohira Kawaramachi Station

Affiliate Parking

We sell a discounted 24-hour ticket of the affiliated parking lot for 1,200 yen. Please show your parking ticket to the front desk.

・Marugamemachi Green Parking Lot
  Kagawa-ken Takamtsu-shi Marugame-cho 8-23
  (The contact information will be the number of the Building Safety Control Center)

・Marui Kame-san P-4
  Kagawa-ken Takamatsu-shi Kamei-cho 1-2
¥1,200 / day
【How to use】
・When checking in to the hotel, please present the parking ticket issued by each parking lot.
・You can only get your car out once.

Car Rental

If you are staying at Times Car RENTAL, special deals are available exclusively for guests staying at WeBase Takamatsu.
Please contact the following stores for details such as prices.

※Customers are kindly requested to make their own reservations for renting cars.

【Contact Information】
Times Car Co., Ltd. Takamatsu Chuo Store (Japanese Only)
TEL 087-812-5577