WeBase 高松 6周年記念!特別価格プラン販売中!

【終了しました】Setouchi-Sun Cultural Club #1



Do you want to practice Japanese or make Japanese friends? Come join us! We have some board games, card games and cultural topics to talk about. All levels welcome !


参加費 1.000円
Participation fee 1,000 JPY

Do you feel nervous when you talk to Japanese even you are living in Japan? Are you looking for an opportunity to practice English or Japanese in a comfortable, relaxing, fun and a bit serious environment? If you are not a party animal, then this community is for you!

Meeting local people who practice English is mostly in bars and nightclubs, yet If you like more relaxed, peaceful, prefer to daytime, where are you suppose to meet them in Takamatsu?

I couldn’t find that I was looking for so I make this community for people like me!
Events are hosted at least twice a month in Kawaramachi area.

I believe that more time to meet the people in the community, you’ll be comfortable to talk to them. Can you imagine go hiking, traveling with locals? Eat something good in local favorite restaurants? Interacting with local people is the best way to learn cultures and language. Eventually, your Japanese speaking anxiety goes away! How excited it is? Looking forward to see you ?




高松での日常を少しでも楽しく過ごしませんか ? みなさんの参加をお待ちしております。

