Staff Blog スタッフブログ
SHIP’S CAT “Nyapy” シプスキャット “ニャーピー”
Nyapy was introduced on the Nishinippon news paper yesterday. Come to see our Ny…[MORE]
Have you seen KABUKI? It is held from June 2nd to 26th. You must be enjoy seeing…[MORE]
【博多松囃子(まつばやし)】Hakata Matsubayashi
2018年5月3日の朝、三福神がWeBase 博多を表敬訪問してくださいました。 博多839年の伝統の誇り松囃子は、益々の弥栄を祈念してくださる新…[MORE]
Rides In ReVellion
A group member of Rides In ReVellion stayed with us today. Thank you for staying…[MORE]
Popular “Nyapy” ニャーピー大人気
WeBase HAKATA’s symbol SHIP’S CAT “Nyapy” is so popular!…[MORE]