Staff Blog スタッフブログ
“Hannari LIVE MUSIC” ♪ はんなりLIVE MUSIC♪
“Hannari LIVE MUSIC”♪ Our special “Hannari LIVE MUSIC” s…[MORE]
Present to our guests Japanese Uchiwa !2周年を記念でうちわをプレゼント
Hi! It’s getting hot in Japan!! We will present to our guests Japanese Uchiwa(Pe…[MORE]
3rd Japan and South Korea exchange meeting✨ 第三回 日韓交流会✨
3rd Japan and South Korea exchange meeting Japan and South Korea exchange meetin…[MORE]
wonderful works とっても素敵な絵をありがとう
Thank you very much for your so wonderful works. We are hoping for your success …[MORE]
~新規オープン「WeBase 広島」スタッフ募集!~
~新規オープン「WeBase 広島」スタッフ募集!~ 2019年10月にオープン予定の「WeBese 広島」を私たちと一緒に盛り上げてくれるオープニングスタッフ…[MORE]
WeBase博多の清掃へのこだわり(*’ω’*) 清掃スタッフのコメント 仕事は大きくわけるとやらなくてはならない事と、や…[MORE]
start pork rice balls delivery service! WeBase 博多で大人気のポーたま!
We have started order delivery service of popular pork rice balls (pork and egg …[MORE]
Nyapy✖令和 Reiwa
A new era starts tomorrow! Thank you Heisei Wish you all the best for Reiwa. N…[MORE]
HAKATA Matsubayashi 博多松囃子
At 8:40 am on Friday May 3rd, don’t miss the great HAKATA Matsubayashi ! Matsuba…[MORE]
*Now Hiring*WeBase HAKATA Front Desk Clerk ★WeBase 博多 フロントスタッフ募集中!!★
<Personality> Any person who loves Hakata and Fukuoka has willingness to t…[MORE]