筥崎宮放生会(はこざきぐうほうじょうや)Hakozaki Shrine Hojoya

Date(s) - 2023/09/12 - 2023/09/18
開催日時: 9月12日(火)~9月18日(月)
場所:筥崎宮 福岡県福岡市東区箱崎1-22-1
Hakata Dontaku in the spring and Hakata Gion Yamakasa in the summer, Hakozakigu Hojoya is one of the three major festivals in Hakata, and is a festival to “respect all life, warn against killing, and give thanks for the autumn harvest”.
The origin of this festival is based on the oracle that says, “You should observe Hojoya in order not to kill too many people during battles,” and it is the most important ritual that has continued for more than 1,000 years. The festival is the most important autumn festival in Kyushu, with a procession of portable shrines designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Asset by Fukuoka City every other year, and hundreds of stalls lining the approach to the shrine during the seven-day period.
Date and time: September 12 (Tue) – September 18 (Mon)
Location: Hakozaki Shrine 1-22-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
For more information, please visit our official website.