Staff Blog

More Convenient Access from Fukuoka International Airport!

In December 2024, a new access hall with a bus terminal function opened in the first-floor arrival lobby of the international terminal at Fukuoka International Airport! This allows travelers to quickly board express buses or local buses right after immigration procedures, making it easier and more comfortable to reach their destination.   There are two ways to access WeBase HAKATA. Feel free to choose the one that suits you best. Take a bus to Hakata Station Board a bus to…[MORE]

The Japan’s biggest “Otafuku mask”

Grand Setsubun Festival will be held at Kushida Shrine which has been popular among the local people as the center place to pray for local gods in Hakata and is called by nickname of “Okushida-san”. *Kushida Shrine is a five-minute walk from WeBase. The Japan’s biggest (5 meters in height) “Otafuku (smiling woman) mask” is set up at the shrine’s three entrances of Romon, Hokujinmon, and Nanjinmon gate from 15th January to 15th February . It’s said that entering directly…[MORE]

Explore Fukuoka with WeBase HAKATA

Hello, greeting from WeBase HAKATA staff member KONG. Here to share our hostel “WeBase HAKATA” and introduce everyone what Fukuoka famous for. Our hostel perfectly located 3 minutes walk from Nakasu-Kawabata subway station, which means guests can easily access from our hostel to two famous area of Fukuoka City, Hakata and Tenjin. We do offer various type of rooms and facilities, from capsule type mixed dormitory, male/female dormitory, to private room for 2-4 guests, and shared bathroom. At 9th floor…[MORE]

A recommended bakery in Fukuoka City

1. Dacomecca, Hakata This popular bakery beside Hakata station has a unique layout that takes you on a journey as you peep at what’s on offer. As soon as you walk through the doors you’ll be met with a smoky grill, charring the edges of sausages and ham to fill some of Dacomecca’s incredible breads. You’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to savoury options here, with several styles of nutritious loaves stuffed with the likes of their signature…[MORE]

團體旅行 / 學生出遊.研習 / 社團活動・畢業旅行之類的大人数住宿提供

感謝您選擇WeBase 博多青年旅店。 為了給您更舒適的住宿體驗,本青年旅舍備有數間上下床舖的個別房型。提供給有團體住宿需求的您。 不論是棒球,足球等等的體育競賽,又或者是「海外研修」「畢業旅行」等等,從學生到大人,只要您有大人數利用的需求,我們都歡迎您的光臨。   【推薦給您】 🔘多樣的上下床舖房型供您選擇 🔘寬廣的共用空間,可以24小時隨時使用 🔘投幣式洗烘乾機24小時利用可 🔘位於博多市中心,不論想去哪裡都方便 🔘14間的盥洗設備,讓您淋浴免排隊(備有女性専用) 🔘工作人員24小時在駐,為您把關住宿安全 🔘乾淨的住宿空間,高評價高信賴!   【位置】 「WeBase 博多」、位於福岡市博多區的中洲川端站7號出口僅有徒歩3分鐘的距離。 櫛田神社前站徒歩5分鐘、到天神也只需要搭一站的地鐵(徒歩10〜15分)、到博多站2站(徒歩15分)。 附近有「櫛田神社」「川端商店街」、徒歩5分鐘左右有「中洲繁華街」、再走個10分有「博多運河城」等等,好吃又好逛。 另外、「博多座」徒歩3分鐘。「Marine Messe福岡」「福岡国際会議場」「SUNPALACE福岡」等設施可以徒步20分鐘抵達。 【關於房間】 有可供76名房客入住的兩張上下床舖房型(4人為一間)共19間,以及供20名房客使用的單張上下床舖房型(2人為一間)共10間。 如下圖,每一層樓皆有上下床舖房型共7間(2人2間,4人5間),以及大床房型共1間、因此每層樓至多可住26名房客。 上下床舖之外,大床房/雙床房型的房間內配有電視,也適合教職人員或家長們使用。 免費提供浴巾及拖鞋的更換<每天一組>。大床房/雙床房另配有洗臉用毛巾。 其餘的盥洗用具,1樓的櫃台提供販售服務。 ※本館屬於<青年旅舍>之住宿場所、個人的房間內並無配有專用的<淋浴間>及<廁所> 淋浴間:2樓配有14間(另有女性專用淋浴間) 廁所:各層樓皆有數間(也有女性専用)   【關於房間類型】 配合您的住宿需求,提供各式各樣的房間類型。 您可以自由的組合所需的房間類型。有任何的問題,歡迎與我們聯絡。 1,上下床舖 2名用個室 (最大10間) 可提供20名房客住宿 ※每層樓2 間 2,上下床舖  4名用個室 (最大19間) 可提供76名房客住宿 ※每層樓 2~5間   3, 雙床房 2名用個室 (最大6間) 可提供12名房客住宿 ※每層樓 3間 4, 大床房 2名用個室 (最大5間) 可提供10名房客住宿 ※每層樓 1間     其餘房間類型 5, 男女共用宿舍房型 1名用膠囊床位 (最大34床) 可提供34名房客住宿 ※ 於3樓有34床位   【關於共用設施】 除了各式各樣的房型之外,也有便利的共用施設可免費使用。 下圖是本館9樓「Books&Lounge」的參考圖片。團體利用廣受好評中!! 您可以在這裡舉辦聚會,也可以與好友盡情享受暢談的午夜時光,當然也可以使用廚房體驗自炊的樂趣!! 另外、14間寬廣的淋浴空間、備品應有盡有。 洗衣/烘衣設備24小時,隨時都可以使用。(洗衣精免費提供)!     如果您提早抵達,我們也能為您保管行李,放心地來玩吧!!   【我們的服務】 櫃台人員24時間在駐,把關您住的安全。 早餐為每人880日圓、可現場加購。         【關於取消手續費】 團體預約的取消規則如下。   人数 未到 當天 前一天 9天前 20天前…[MORE]

[위베이스 하카타] 후쿠오카 단체 숙박 / 가성비 좋은 숙소 / 학생 환영 / 이층침대 / 도미토리

위베이스 하카타를 방문해주셔서 감사합니다. 본 호스텔은 단체 예약도 가능하며, 이층침대의 개인실을 다수 보유하고 있습니다.   【추천 포인트】 🔘이층침대 개인실 구비 🔘넓은 공용공간을 24시간 이용할 수 있다 🔘코인세탁실 24시간 이용OK 🔘하카타 중심으로 어디를 가든 접근성이 좋다 🔘샤워실 수가 총 14개로 풍부(여성전용 있음) 🔘스탭 24시간 주재로 보안도 안심 🔘리뷰 청결도 높은 평가!   【입지】 ‘WeBase 하카타’는 후쿠오카시 하카타구의 나카스가와바타역 7번 출구에서 도보로 3분 거리에 있습니다. 구시다신사앞역에서 도보 5분, 덴진까지는 전철로 1역(도보 10~15분), 하카타역까지는 2역(도보 15분), 또「하카타항 국제 터미널」까지는 버스를 이용하면 15분,  도보…[MORE]

🐬후쿠오카 아쿠아리움 입장권 할인🐬

안녕하세요! WeBase HAKATA입니다. @fuk_info에서 마린월드의 유익한 이벤트를 진행하고 있다고 합니다! 마린월드에 가실 예정이신 분들은 꼭 확인해 보세요☺ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/   ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ 🐬후쿠오카 아쿠아리움 입장권 할인🐬 ★☆★누구나 사용가능☆★☆   @marineworld.uminaka × @fuk_info   후쿠오카 여행의 필수 코스!!! 아름다운 마린월드 우미노나카미치 수족관와 함께하는 쿠폰 이벤트 제2탄🤍   마린월드 우미노나카미치 (MARINE WORLD UMINONAKAMICHI)  입장권 특별 할인쿠폰을 드립니다🥹🤲🏻   ☑︎내용 후쿠오카 아쿠아리움 마린월드 입장권(당일권) 특별 할인 🎫✨   🧑🏻성인(만 16세 이상) 300엔 할인 🧒🏻어린이(만 6세 – 15세까지) 200엔 할인 👶🏻유아(만 3세 – 5세까지) 100엔 할인…[MORE]

[Event Report] Travel Lounge

Travel Lounge Vol.1 – Mongolia   Mongolia talk by Kangje, who landed for the first time in Mongolia, a country he has been thinking about for 10 years! She will talk about her experiences in Ulaanbaatar, Ulgi, Mongolia.   She also talked about her experience in a ger in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, and her interaction with an award-winning family of hawkers who stayed in the ger, She also shared information about the food culture (milk, meat, etc.) and much more!  …[MORE]

【EVENT】2023 FaN & Art Tea Party Report👘

Report on the recent “FaN & Art Tea Party”.✨   For three days from September 22 (Fri.) to 24 (Sun.), 2023, photographer Fumio Kinoshita will exhibit his works on the theme of “Travel” and Tea Ceremony by Omotesenke Tea Ceremony Professors was held!!!   A view of Mr. Kinoshita’s photo exhibition.   Many people were looking at the works of art, which were impressive by the sunlight!           This is a tea ceremony by Omotesenke tea…[MORE]

【Convenient service】Bicycle rental for hotel guests only

【Bicycle rental for hostel guests only】 WeBase HAKATA offers rental bicycles exclusively to hostel guests. How about cycling around Fukuoka City on a cute bicycle? Fukuoka is also known as a city with few steep hills, making it a good place for cycling!♪   Also, tourist attractions throughout the city are compact and well located, Popular 『Fukuoka Tower』『Nagahama Market,』『Canal City 』 『Lalaport Fukuoka』『Hakata/Tenjin/Yakuin area』 etc. are of course available, If you want to go a little farther and enjoy nature,…[MORE]
