Fukuoka is full of events in the second half of September!

Fukuoka is full of events in the second half of September!
It is hard to decide where to go.
Here are some of our favorite events for the second half of September in Fukuoka!✨
① FaN Week 2023(Saturday, September 16 ~Sunday, October 22, 2023)
『FaN Week』, in which WeBase Hakata is participating again since last year,
is a project promoted by Fukuoka City with the aim of contributing to a richer lifestyle
by creating art in the city center and helping
Fukuoka-based artists to be active in the world.
Location: Various locations in Fukuoka City
For more information:http://fukuoka-art-next.jp/fanweek2023/
September22 (FRI)~24 (SUN) 14~17:00
WeBase Hakata will also hold 「Art Tea Party」!
Photographer Fumio Kinoshita will exhibit his works on the theme of “Travel,”
and Omotesenke tea ceremony professors will hold a tea ceremony.
Experience the tea ceremony in yukata/kimono, with the option of having Mr. Kinoshita take pictures of you doing so.♩
Location: WeBase HAKATA 9F Lounge
For more information:https://we-base.jp/hakata/cms2/news/9485/
Autumn, the season for arts
Please enjoy “Fukuoka, a city that grows together with art.”!
②Nakasu JAZZ(Saturday,September 16 ~Sunday, September 17 2023)
~Jazz is a fit for Nakasu~
Nakasu, one of the largest entertainment districts in western Japan.
Nakasu Jazz was born out of a spontaneous desire to make Nakasu an even more vibrant place in the form of a jazz event.
During these two days, you can enjoy jazz music throughout Nakasu!
Multiple stages will be set up in the downtown Nakasu area, attracting many people!。
Even if you are not interested in jazz, why not enjoy the long autumn nights with jazz♪
Admission is free.
Location: Nakasu area
For more information:https://nakasujazz.net/
③ Hakozaki Shrine Hojoya(Tuesday, September 12~Monday, September 18 2023)
Hakozakigu Houjoya, one of the three major festivals in Hakata, is the most important Shinto ritual that has continued for more than 1,000 years!
During the seven-day period, hundreds of stalls line the entire roadside area, making it Kyushu’s largest autumn festival!
Location: Hakozakigu Shrine 1-22-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
For more information:https://www.hakozakigu.or.jp/omatsuri/houjoya/
④ Hakata Bay Art Fireworks 2023 (Saturday, September 16, 2023)
Uminonakamichi Art Fireworks 2018, held in Fukuoka City in 2017 and in Uminonakamichi in 2018, will be held for the first time in five years, this year moving the venue to Atagohama. The spectacular show of “music and fireworks” will be enjoyed nonstop for about an hour, with approximately 13,000 fireworks shot off in 60 minutes, accompanied by trendy songs and classic music loved by people of all ages. Location: Atagohama Marinatown Seaside Park
For more information:https://hanabi.walkerplus.com/detail/ar1040e474338/